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博士学位 degrees aren’t just for college professors—they’re a way to show expertise in a field, 获得有价值的研究和写作技能,推进你的职业生涯. 任何想要担任行政或领导职务的人, 或者转型到学术界, 能从获得博士学位中获益吗. 然而, 博士学位需要时间和奉献精神, 并且需要强化学习, 研究和写作完成. 如果你在考虑攻读博士学位, you need to be passionate about your career and consider all the doors a doctorate will open, 除了增加收入的潜力. 考虑到这一点, we’ll outline four of the top professionals who 能从获得博士学位中获益吗 and how it can help you take your career to the next level.


这似乎并不明显, but doctoral programs are a natural extension of the skills you need to be a successful marketing leader. 擅长研究, 沟通和领导能力对营销主管的成功至关重要. 对于营销专业人士来说,有两种类型的博士课程是理想的. Ph.D. 在市场营销 Ph值.D. 市场学侧重于市场营销的研究和理论. 程序非常灵活, allowing you to pursue everything from mathematical and statistical modeling to consumer behavior and competitive strategy. 你可以选择博士学位.D. 在市场营销方面,因为:

  • 你的职业目标是成为学术界的教授或研究员
  • 你是刚毕业的硕士,没有什么专业经验
  • 你想要追求原创性的研究,而不是研究当前的研究或趋势


市场营销方向的DBA DBA帮助你将理论付诸实践, advancing your practical market research skills and applying them to real-world business challenges. These programs also help you sharpen your managerial skills to create positive change in your organization. 你可能想选择一个专注于市场营销的DBA,因为:

  • 你的职业目标是成为行政层面的营销领导者
  • You have ample professional experience and want to increase your expertise and gain leadership skills
  • 你想用你的研究技能来解决现实世界的营销问题


Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? 下载这个免费的指南,为你的成功做好准备.


越来越多, 商业专业人士正在攻读博士学位以获得研究成果, communication and leadership skills needed to drive efficiency at organizations across industries. There are three primary doctoral programs for business leaders looking to advance their careers, 每一个都旨在帮助专业人士实现他们特定的职业目标. 工商管理博士(DBA)工商管理博士 programs are ideal for business executives or those looking to advance their career to executive positions within their companies. 你可能想要攻读DBA,因为:

  • 你在商业领导职位上有丰富的实际经验
  • You want to gain qualitative and quantitative research skills to make data-backed business decisions
  • 你想把商业和领导理论应用到现实世界的商业挑战中


Ph.工商管理博士 Ph值.工商管理博士 is fundamentally different from the DBA as it focuses heavily on business theory.

  • 你可能想攻读博士学位.D. 工商管理专业,因为:
  • 你想过渡到学术界,成为一名教育工作者或管理人员
  • You want to design and conduct original research studies and advance business theory
  • You recently completed a master’s program and have minimal practical business experience


组织领导教育学博士(编.D.) A 组织领导教育学博士 is a degree with a broad focus on leading the people and processes in organizations and can be applied to a wide variety of roles and industries. 你可能想找个艾德.D. 因为:

  • You want to evaluate organizations to determine leadership, learning, and performance needs
  • You want to create change in your organization with an emphasis on ethical decision making
  • You want to use research skills to identify organizational issues and develop thoughtful, 可测量解决方案



Getting a doctorate degree is a natural step for educators of all kinds looking to advance their careers. 如果你想在高等教育阶段提升你的职业生涯, influence training and performance management in businesses or develop solutions to systemic educational challenges, 你可以考虑三个博士学位中的一个. 专业研究博士-教学设计领导(DPS) A DPS在教学设计领导 准备毕业生作为教育工作者工作, 咨询顾问, 以及改变mg不朽情缘游戏网址对发现的理解和应用的高管们, 学习和参与.

  • 你可能想攻读教学设计领导的DPS,因为:
  • You want a career leading organizational change and employee development initiatives
  • 你想设计和开发先进的课程和教学产品
  • 你想教下一代的教学设计领导者


教育学博士(编.D) A Doctor of 教育 is an ideal program for professionals who want to pursue an administrative career in education. You can also further focus your education by choosing a concentration based on educational setting, 比如PK-12或高等教育, 这样你就可以把学到的知识应用到你将面临的现实挑战中. 你可能想找个艾德.D. 因为:

  • 你想在整个系统层面上影响或改进课程
  • 你想在教育机构担任领导职务, 学区, 非营利组织, 政府机构, 或者在私营部门
  • 你想通过实际研究解决大而复杂的问题


Ph.D. 在教育 Ph值.D. 在教育 is a degree devoted to the philosophy and theory of teaching and learning. 你可能想攻读博士学位.D. 在教育方面,因为:

  • 你想在高等教育阶段开始教学, advance your career as a professor or serve as an educational administrator at a higher education institution
  • You want to become a scholar who advances theory and research to improve educational best practices
  • You want to specialize in an educational academic area and intensely study and research that subject



随着医疗保健的不断发展和变化, 该行业需要能够领导组织向前发展的管理人员. One way to gain the knowledge and skills needed to help transform healthcare is to pursue a doctorate degree. To advance your career to an executive level you should consider a professional doctorate in healthcare administration. 医疗管理博士(DHA) A 医疗管理博士 is a professional doctorate designed to help healthcare leaders effectively evolve their organization and advance their career. 你可能想要追求DHA,因为:

  • 您希望使用基于证据的决策制定来推动组织中的变化
  • You want to develop expert written and oral presentation skills to effectively communicate with stakeholders at the highest levels
  • You want to use ethical leadership practices to balance organizational efficiency with best-in-class patient care


The increasing demand for innovative leaders continues to increase the popularity of doctoral programs across industries. 如果你想让自己在同行业中脱颖而出, 博士学位可以给你所需的优势. 对于很多专业人士来说, a doctorate program is only practical if they can pursue their education in tandem with their career. 如果你正在寻找一个灵活且声誉良好的博士项目, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 will give you the knowledge and skills you need to lead while working around your schedule. 探索mg不朽情缘游戏网址的完整列表 在线博士课程 看看mg不朽情缘游戏网址是否是你博士教育的正确选择.

Discover common pitfalls and the 5 key metrics that will help you finish your doctorate degree.