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Ed.D. 完成项目: Finishing Your Doctorate in Education

根据美国国家科学基金会, the median time from entry into graduate school to earning a 教育学博士是11人.9 years. For many other areas of study, the median is around 6 years. 这张图显示了在完成学位之前开始和停止教育博士课程是多么普遍. 

如果你已经开始你的Ed.D. degree and want to get back on track to graduation, 你需要找到一个项目,可以帮助你最大限度地提高你以前获得的学分. 

Ed.D. 完成项目s are designed to accelerate the completion of an Ed.D. 转校生博士学位. While some programs are specifically referred to as 完成项目s, not all transfer-friendly programs will share that moniker. 更重要的是要知道成为Ed的特点和资格.D. program a good option for professionals with previously earned credit.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址在这里帮助你超越名字,发现你需要知道的关于完成你的Ed.D. 在一所新大学获得学位.

How Do Ed.D. 完井方案通常有效? 

There are two different types of students who need to complete their Ed.D. degree. 根据你的学生类型,你应该在教育教育中寻找不同的品质.D. 完成项目.

第一类学生是仍然需要完成课程要求的学生. Ed.D. programs require the completion of approximately 60 credit hours. The majority of these credit hours include courses in the research core, major area, 重点领域和选修课. 学生在参加综合考试之前必须完成这些必修课程. 通过考试后, 然后学生进入学位论文或学位论文的实践阶段.D.

加快你的完成时间,降低你在每个学术水平的总学费. Download this free guide for tips on maximizing your transfer credit.


Here’s what you should look for in a 完成项目 if you’re an Ed.D. student who has completed some, but not all, coursework:

  • 转移信贷友好: Look for an Ed.D. 使你的转学学分最大化的项目. 例如,mg不朽情缘游戏网址接受完成教育所需学分的40%.D.In addition to previously earned master's and doctoral credit, 如果你对PK-12领导力感兴趣,你也可以获得学监执照的转移学分.
  • Focus area: Look for an Ed.D. 这个项目提供了灵活性,让你的学位与你想要追求的职业道路保持一致. For example, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 offers three different focus areas in the Ed.D. program. Students can choose from organizational leadership, PK-12领导或高等教育领导,使他们的研究和论文与他们的职业目标保持一致.
  • 专职指导老师: Look for an Ed.D. program that offers dedicated mentorship from a faculty member. 你的导师可以帮助激励你, 当你过渡到你的Ed的论文阶段时,让你负责并为你的成功做好准备.D. program.

第二种Ed.D. student is one who has completed all but the dissertation, also known as ABD. ABD students have completed all coursework and passed the comprehensive exam. They need to research, write and defend their dissertation in order to graduate. For many students, 这是博士课程中最困难的任务,也是学生放弃攻读博士学位的常见原因.D. However, 有资源和支持系统的项目来帮助学生从ABD到Ed.D.

如果你是ABD的学生, 你应该找一个能满足课程完成项目所有要求的项目, plus:

  • 结构化论文流程: Look for an Ed.D. 该项目提供逐步完成的过程,包括内置的教师指导和指导以及对等支持. This structure and support will help you proactively plan your dissertation, navigate challenges and stay motivated along the way.
  • 实践论文: Look for an Ed.D. 这个项目可以让你把论文的重点放在你目前在工作场所从事的一个项目上. 这种额外的灵活性可以帮助你把你的论文融入到你热爱的工作中, 同时允许您应用新的研究技能来提出基于证据的解决方案.

How Can I Maximize Credit When Transferring Into An Ed.D. 完成项目?

Maximizing transfer credit is the most important aspect of choosing an Ed.D. 计划完成你的学位. 这里有3件事可以让你在转到一个新的Ed时更容易获得最多的学分.D. program:

  • Your previous course credit was earned at an accredited university. Accredited universities adhere to the highest standards of academic quality, which makes it easier to transfer credit to the university of your choice. 
  • You have thorough documentation of the coursework you already completed. Courses are evaluated on a case-by-case basis for doctoral transfer credit. 这意味着你拥有的文件越多——从课程描述和教学大纲到项目或考试——转学分小组就越容易评估.
  • You completed your coursework within the last 7 years. While doctoral credits never technically expire, the likelihood they will transfer does diminish over time. Each Ed.D. program will set different requirements for time to degree completion, 但是最近的信用, the better.

The best Ed.D. 完成项目s will offer one-on-one transfer credit support. 当你在研究项目的时候, 不要犹豫,联系每所大学的学分转换部门,以便更好地了解你以前的学分将如何转换. 

在一个典型的教育中,我能期待什么.D. 完成项目? 

An Ed.D. 完成课程不应该与任何其他高质量的教育有根本的不同.D. program. 然而,有一些方法可以判断Ed是否.D. program is a good place to complete your degree. 

以下是你对Ed的期望.D. program designed with transfer students in mind:

  • 你将得到广泛的支持. 从专门的学术和教师顾问到同伴支持小组和论文委员会, 你周围的人和资源应该让你更容易完成你的学位. 
  • You will have the ability to focus your degree based on your desired career path. Whether through coursework or the topic of your dissertation, an Ed.D. 课程应提供灵活性,以获得跨学科和职业特定技能. 寻找一个专注于领导力或教育方面的项目,为你的职业生涯的下一个阶段做好准备.
  • You will work to solve challenges, not further theory. Ed的后期阶段.D. 都非常注重研究. 在此期间, 你应该将学术研究技能应用于现实问题,提供基于证据的解决方案,推动行业向前发展. 
  • You will be able to accelerate time to graduation. Whether you’re ABD or only completed a few credit hours, 一所对转学友好的大学可以帮助你最大限度地获得转学学分,并根据你的时间表计划你的课程,帮助你更快地毕业.

有在线教育吗?.D. 完成项目? 

是的,有很多.D. 完成项目s that can be completed fully online. However, not all of these programs are created equal. 高质量的在线教育.D. program will:

  • Be accredited 坚持课程、教学和学生体验的最高标准.
  • 提供广泛的资源, 比如图书馆访问, 写作中心支持和教师顾问, that are available to support you on your schedule.
  • Accept transfer credit only after evaluating each course in detail to ensure they align with the program’s learning outcomes.
  • 要求你完成一篇论文 or dissertation in practice to culminate your degree. 

如果你想完成你的Ed.D.不要寻找简单的出路. If an Ed.D. 完成项目似乎是走捷径或不坚持高标准, 也许不值得去拿学位. If a program meets all of these standards (and more), getting your Ed.D. 学位将是你一生的成就,它将引领你职业生涯的下一个阶段.

Complete Your Ed.D. mg不朽情缘游戏网址 

mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is an accredited university that offers a 100% online Ed.D. program. Franklin’s Ed.D. program accepts up to 24 transfer credit hours, 对于那些有一些学分但还没有完成学位的学生来说,这是理想的选择. The Ed.D. mg不朽情缘游戏网址还通过创建一个结构化的过程来完成你的论文,并在每一步都得到支持,从而消除了对论文的恐惧. 

了解更多关于Ed的信息.D. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的项目 and how it can help you finish your degree and realize your career goals.

Free Guide:
了解你需要知道的五件事, 在每个学术水平上, 充分利用你的转学学分——包括技术/社区学院和军事训练的学分.